Top Seattle Doctor Advocates Integrated Treatment for Teen Substance Abuse

Dr. Ray Hsiao has dedicated his life to Seattle drug rehab, but his focus is on helping kids with substance abuse and mental health issues in the Seattle area.
This article looks at Dr. Hsiao’s work specializing in adolescent addiction and what inspires it.
Adolescents in Seattle Drug Rehab
Seattle Magazinerecently interviewed Dr. Ray Hsiao, a psychiatrist specializing in adolescent mental health and addiction treatment. His focus stemmed from a specific instance during medical school, when he volunteered with children in the inner-city housing projects of Chicago. The hardship he saw there inspired him to focus on mental health and substance abuse in the Seattle drug rehab community.
Dr. Hsiao noted that working with children and adolescents is both promising and challenging. Yet he understands that treating kids before they reach adulthood can get them on the path to a healthy, productive life.
Interestingly, the interview pointed out a fact that those external to the Seattle drug rehab community may not recognize; doctors like Ray Hsiao are also advocates for these children and young people. It could not come at a better time. Kids in the public health or foster care system particularly need this advocacy. Caregivers like Dr. Hsiao provide a voice to the voiceless in an attempt to correct their underlying mental health issues as well as their need to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs.
Seattle Drug Rehab Integrates Mental and Physical Health
Another issue touched on in the article is that Seattle drug rehab facilities, whether treating adolescents or adults, focus on mental health as well as substance abuse, and even overall health, in order to treat the whole patient. In some ways, these facilities are holistic in their approach, treating the entire patient with medications, therapeutic and behavioral counseling, and even diet and exercise. Traditional treatment does not take this approach. Dr. Hsiao shared the frustrations of seeking treatment in a non-integrated system, saying:
“After waiting for months, they finally got to see a mental health specialist for help. The therapist would say, “Well, you have substance abuse issues. I can’t treat you. You need to do drug treatment first.” They then go see a substance abuse counselor who would say, “Well, you also have mental health issues, so I can’t help you.” By the time the parents managed to get their adolescents appointments with the right doctors, the adolescents have changed their mind and refused to engage. In Washington state, our government leaders and key stakeholders have stepped up to the plate to integrate all of our services into one system so kids with complex issues can go to one place and receive the care they truly need.”

Dr. Hsiao and other caregivers like him are what make the Seattle drug rehab community so effective in the fight against the current opioid crisis. His work to provide compassionate care to some of the most vulnerable populations is to be applauded and emulated by new residents still determining their areas of specialty practice.
The integrated treatment approach to addiction is the gold standard for addiction treatment today. Our team of professional addiction specialists model this holistic approach. If you or any of your loved ones are seeking such help, please do not wait even one more day. Contact us now to learn more about admissions!