How To Help A Loved One Seeking Addiction Treatment

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, help is available. Speak with a Recovery Advocate by calling (855) 602-7202 now.

Knowing help is needed can be a breakthrough in years of pain. Coming to the conclusion that you can’t do it on your own is tough. You may feel weak, incapable, or like you failed. Addiction is a sensitive subject, to say the least, and approaching these feelings with a friend or family member is even more difficult.

The reality is that conversations about addiction are not easy and finding the right rehab center can be challenging. However, help is available and it can save lives, but first, you need to know how to find it.

Are you or a loved one struggling with addiction?

Our Recovery Advocates are available 24/7 to help.

How to Talk to a Loved One About Treatment

Suggesting that a loved one might need help with their drug or alcohol addiction can be a hard topic to address. You’ll want to communicate that you care deeply about them, that you’re concerned, and that help is possible, but without making them feel worse about themselves than they already might. Talking to your friend or family member will require love, honesty, and patience. Here are some tips on how to approach the conversation.

  • Talk to them when they are sober. You want to get through to your loved one when they are clear-headed.
  • Come without judgment. There may be personal emotions involved and it will be tempting to not make the conversation about your hurt and pain. Your loved one will want to feel loved and supported.
  • Come with suggestions. You want to be prepared that your loved one will want to seek help. Bring treatment center suggestions, insurance questions, and a brochure of what rehab will be like.
  • Consider help with your talk. There are trained professionals and interventionists who are experienced in having this delicate conversation. They may be able to help lead this important talk and have suggestions for the next step into addiction treatment.
  • Stay involved. Be willing to go through the next phase of help with them. You can help research addiction treatment centers and gather information about what’s next.

Things to Keep in Mind When Searching For Rehab Centers

Choosing the right rehab center can be daunting. While looking you might be bombarded with different programs, promises, prices, and questions. When you’re searching for rehab centers, keep in mind the followings tips:

  • Consider the result. What do you expect for the rehab experience? Do you want a long-term or short-term stay? It’s important to understand how each particular place you look at measures success, then take into consideration their success rate.
  • Is detox included? Depending on the type and length of substance abuse, detoxification can be required. You’ll want to know if a rehab center includes this, what it entails, and if there is a separate cost.
  • Type of program. You should ask what their program is based on and what it includes. For example, this may include the 12 steps, psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, or harm reduction.
  • Cost and coverage. Will insurance help cover the stay or all of it? If not, what are the costs? Are there other payment options?
  • Aftercare. Does the treatment center address aftercare in treatment? How do they prepare patients to deal with it? Is there continued communication after they leave? The real test of a treatment center is to know how they set people up for life afterward.
  • Find out if the program is accredited. You need to know if the program is run by trained professionals who are qualified and certified to be working in addiction treatment.

Talking to a loved one about their using and their recovery is not easy. But when you come prepared, do your research, and understand the situation, it may go smoother than you planned. Helping your loved ones can be rewarding and armed with the right research, they can go on to choose an addiction treatment center that will change the course of their entire lives. Change starts with you. Having the courage to say something and do the work will mean a lot to your friends and family and their futures.
