Bath Salts Withdrawal & Detox

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Bath salts are man-made chemicals people consume to get high. This relatively new group of drugs share no similarities with products like Epsom salts, which are added to baths to relieve aches. In fact, bath salts are only one name for products sold as plant food, jewelry cleaner and home screen cleaner. These drugs are packaged under many different brand names, including Bliss, Cloud Nine, Lunar Wave, Vanilla Sky and White Lightning.

While bath salts can cause many pleasurable, short-term effects, including euphoria, decreased social inhibition and heightened sex drive, they can quickly become addictive. If a person builds a tolerance to bath salts, they may require a supervised medical detox to discontinue use and begin recovery safely.

Bath Salts Withdrawal

Bath salts affect the brain and body in ways similar to other stimulants, like cocaine and methamphetamine. Bath salts also share properties with hallucinogenic drugs like MDMA and LSD.

Like these other drugs, bath salts can create tolerance, or the need for higher doses to achieve the same effects. Individuals taking bath salts over an extended period may also develop a dependence on them, meaning that their body adjusts to the presence of bath salts and cannot function normally without them.

When tolerance and dependence are established, a person will experience bath salts withdrawal when they stop using bath salts. Withdrawal is an uncomfortable process that takes place as the body acclimates to functioning without bath salts.

Bath Salts Withdrawal Symptoms

The withdrawal symptoms from any drug are usually the opposite of the wanted intoxication effects. If a drug makes you feel calm and relaxed when high, the withdrawal symptoms will likely make you feel restless, anxious and tense. Bath salts detox follows a similar pattern.

Some of the most common bath salts withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Tremors
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Paranoia

Withdrawal symptoms of bath salts may also include an intense urge to continue using the substance, which can restart addiction and physical dependence.

Bath Salts Detox in Washington

When a person develops a physical dependence on bath salts, detox is a crucial first step to recovery.  Professional who supervise medical detox can guide people through withdrawal as quickly and safely as possible.

There are no medications specifically used to ease the bath salts detox process, so treatment tends to focus on reducing the mood and anxiety symptoms associated with bath salt withdrawal while improving sleep with therapy and access to quiet, comfortable spaces. Staff can offer a safe, supportive and nonstimulating environment that encourages recovery.

Detox can take place an inpatient or outpatient setting, depending on the needs, symptoms and supports of the individual seeking treatment. Detox from bath salts may only last a few days, but people serious about maintaining long-term recovery from the substance should consider follow-up care in a residential or outpatient treatment setting. Extended treatment is linked to longer periods of recovery.

Detox programs are located throughout the country, and high quality, reputable options may be available close to home. The Recovery Village Ridgefield offers detox services in Washington state for people dealing with physical dependence to a variety of substances. Contact a representative today for information about available treatment options.


American Psychiatric Association. “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Fifth Edition.” 2013.

National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens. “Bath Salts.” March 2017. Accessed February 6. 2019.

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American Psychiatric Association. “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Fifth Edition.” 2013.

National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens. “Bath Salts.” March 2017. Accessed February 6. 2019.