Questions to Ask During an Intervention

When someone you love is abusing drugs or alcohol it’s natural to want to do everything you can to help them realize they have a problem and get them into treatment. This can be a slippery slope as someone who is drinking heavily or using drugs may not be ready to admit they have an addiction.
One of the most important factors for getting through to someone that has a substance abuse problem is to help him or her realize their life has become unmanageable due to their addiction.
A common way to do this is to stage an intervention. This can be scary and overwhelming for family and friends to put together as many people are not sure how to do an intervention for drug addiction or alcohol abuse. It’s highly advised to do so with the help of a professional interventionist to help guide the process.
A family intervention for drug addiction works very similarly to an alcohol addiction intervention, in that everyone works together to help the addict come to an agreement to receive and enter into a substance abuse treatment program.
Understanding The Best Treatment Program
This is a very important part of the intervention planning process. Picking the best treatment option for your loved one and presenting it to them in a way that shows you carefully selected it makes all the difference.
According to Narconon, “Every year, millions of people enter drug rehabs in the US alone. While rehab helps many of them, the majority of them had been to rehab before and then relapsed after they went home. In fact, one in ten had been to rehab five or more times before.”
For this reason, when sorting through treatment program options it is important to ask some questions while determining which one will be best.
- Would inpatient or outpatient work best for the addict based on schedules, flexibility, work, and location?
- What type of accommodations would best suit your loved one?
- What is the budget?
- What type of therapy and counseling is offered at the facility?
- Is the facility religious or spiritually based and will that be suitable for your loved one? Would it be best to have a program that is not based on a higher power?
- What is the length of treatment?
- What is the structure for treatment?
Once you have gathered all of the details for each program, you can narrow it down based on the addicts most likely desired preferences, as this will help tremendously when offering the program to them. When you show that you thoughtfully picked a place and facility that fits them, it helps an already uncomfortable situation become easier.
Questions To Ask During An Intervention
The most important question to ask during an intervention is: Will you get help?
However, as members of the family and friends speak and read their letters, it may be helpful to ask questions that can lead the addict to their own realizations about their behavior. Asking things like:
- Do you remember a certain situation where you were high or drunk?
- When was the last day you did not drink or use?
- How do you think that might make me feel?
- Do you feel you are in a good place in life?
- Do you know how much money I have loaned to you? (With prepared numbers).
- Are you aware of your behavior when you __________? And is that really how you want to be?
- Do you know how much I love you and why I want you to get help?
The phrasing of your questions to an addict will greatly impact their reception to the intervention. It’s important to phrase questions in a loving way to avoid them feeling attacked or shamed while also helping to lead them to admit they have a problem.
Contact us today to learn more about our treatment programs and to get your loved one the help they need.
Ten Questions You Should Ask Before Choosing A Rehab, Narconon,
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Ten Questions You Should Ask Before Choosing A Rehab, Narconon,